Sunday, January 1, 2017

Tearoom Hair - Another Secret Santa Hair

So we did Secret Santa for Plumbob Tea Society and teanmoon's secret santa unfortunately had to drop out, so we all banded together to make her some super secret cute gifts! I made her this delicate Asian inspired hair!

It comes in all original 18 EA colors, using EA textures. It is for teen-elder F. It's a "clay" hair, so no alpha or transparency used. It has all hat morphs. It has all proper LODs. I do have it enabled for random because it is maxis match. It's tagged for female form but works for male form as well, and will appear if the "masculine" tag is removed. 
I'm not too sure on S4S new versions if my previous method of BGC works anymore. So to be safe, I'm gonna say you probably need CL.

Open TOU on this one because it's all EA stuff. 


  1. This is and has been my fav hair since you uploaded it :D I wish there were more like it! Thank you!

  2. Hi could ever make a bangless version of this it would be amaze!!!!!!

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